
Beginning in 2015 with colleagues at the Experimental Humanities Lab at Iliff School of Theology, I’ve been learning to code in the programming language of Python and experimenting with new and emerging computational methods. Check out some of our projects and collaborations at h.lab, which is a hands-on, distributed laboratory dedicated to providing humanities students and scholars with access to new and emerging computational technologies in order to foster technological innovation in the humanities while also empowering substantive, informed public engagement concerning the ethical and existential implications of these new technologies.

Tohu Press / Letterpress Bible

I'm building my letterpress shop, which includes a Poco #0 proof press and Poliphilus type (inspired by the beautiful type of the 1499 book, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili). My ambition is to translate, print, and illustrate (with woodcuts) letterpress editions of biblical texts such as Genesis, Job, and Ecclesiastes. I'm still learning to set type, get the right packing combination, create a system for registration (esp. hard on a simple proof press like my Poco), and ink. My logo, which is also the flavicon for this website (you can see it in your browser's address line), is a woodcut image comprising the three Hebrew letters of the word tohu (tav-hey-vav), each set inside the next. Tohu is really untranslatable but is associated in the Hebrew Bible with chaos (generative and degenerative) and the primordial deep.

Deep Blue God

A book project on the theology of water -- biblical hydrology, if you will -- that I've wanted to do for many years.